Still Plays

Published on 2021-01-21 12:00:03
About :
In what is rapidly becoming a staple of the channel, a sloppy matchup where my head is clearly not in the GAC. Some misteps, but we get through it.

(2:05) GAS v GG
(4:20) JTR v BH
(6:43) Palp v FO Relic Sith Trooper
(11:30) JKL v FO
(16:42) Traya v Padme

(18:40) JKR v GEOs

(22:56) Jango v Talzin
(25:06) Hux v JTR
(28:45) Veers v AV
(32:03) Rolo/3bacca/ATF v Mothma

(33:52) CLS v GEOS
(44:18) OR v Seps
(47:26) Bast v Shaak Ti