Still Plays

Published on 2021-05-08 10:00:07
About :
Took my second vaccine shot earlier in the day, and i'm feeling some light-headedness and am not 100% going into this. Fortunately I planned on, but my reaction time is slow, and i'm not all there.

(0:00) Intro + Recap
(1:45) Opponent Analysis
(3:40) Def Breakdown
(5:50) Geos v BH
(10:25) DR v JKR
(13:00) NS v GG
(18:25) JKL v Padme
(22:10) JKR v CLS
(25:44) GAS v Palp
(27:05) Palp/Vader v Geos
(29:10) Fleet

(35:09) Recap + Breakdown
(40:25) Jango v JarJar
(43:35) Palp v Yoda
(45:55) CLS v JarJar
(49:15) Fleet