
Published on 2020-08-29 15:30:00
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Music provided by Sithu Aye.

Back to 5v5 and the opponent had G12 ewoks on the frontwall, promptly wrecked by G8 Resistance. I'm half surprised at this point because it's amazing the amount of control this team offers for the gear ever since the JTR lead was zetaed and the inclusion of the Resistance Heroes in the lineup. Nasty battle with the Bounty Hunters vs General Grievous, but we pulled off the win and stretched the roster as much as possible. Padmé was on offense this time around to be the leader for the Ahsoka portrait feat team (with QGJ, Ahsoka, GK and JKA). Successful win where my First Order team held 3 times, where probably my 269 speed Hux did a good job on holding. Shaak Ti and GG were teams that weren't even attempted to be beaten.