That's No Moon (SWGOH)

Published on 2020-12-29 12:39:04
About :
It's the latest round of Galactic Challenges and it's Malachor: Old Republic (Bonuses for Rebels) you have to complete the last tier with rebels in order to get the max loot in this one no other way around it.

For more SWGOH chat and nonsense...

I used CLS lead, Chewie, Raid han, C3P0 and Chewie and Threepio at 5*

Strategy is get mission stunned and under prot. Then dispel Zaalbar's taunt, take out T3, (back to Zaalbar if he's not dealt with already) then Basti (to burn the saviour) and finish off with Revan as he now won't have crit immunity on him.

Good luck and let me know the composition you used in the comments.

As always good luck and go get that max loot already.
