CubsFan Han

Published on 2018-10-19 13:48:07
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A note on buying Revan with donated money:

For those who care, I wanted to offer my thought process here in the description on actually using the donated funds for Revan. While I was just so profoundly grateful to all of those who donated that money, the actual dollar amount and expectation that I buy Revan was stressful for me. I would never intend anyone to actually buy me something like this in the game. The stream was never intended to actually raise money for me to buy Revan. My wife and I had a lengthy discussion about this and 3 options were seriously considered. Let me explain what they are and why we decided what we did:

1) Refund the money. To be honest, we were close to this. I never intended for that to take place and I frankly felt guilt about it in spite of being just so grateful. At the end of the day, we kept coming back to those people who were laughing and cheering on as the stream went on. It was my most viewed stream ever, and the hype was real. Refunding the money would ultimately be a massive buzzkill to everyone, and especially those who sent that money fully expecting me to end up with Revan.

2) Donate the money to charity. Being completely honest, I'd much rather use money in that amount given to me for a cause better than my gaming enjoyment. Ultimately, however, the people who sent me money did not do it so I could donate to charity- they did it so I could buy Revan. I felt it would be disrespectful to them to use the money in a way they did not intend it to be used. That said, I am looking into doing a stream for the sole purpose of raising money for a charity. Stay tuned for details.

3) Buy Revan. Ultimately, this is the only correct answer in my opinion. It's what got everyone excited, its why the donations came in.

I hope that clears the air for those wondering and for those who had alternative opinions on what I should have done. It was not an easy choice, and frankly kept me up all night following the stream. I can't thank you all enough for the tremendous support. It seriously humbled me so much. Han Shot First!