CubsFan Han

Published on 2018-05-19 16:40:14
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This is a 100% for fun competition that I've organized at the popular request of the community. We are going to pit the top duo's in the game against each other in a 32 team single elimination tournament for a bragging rights! Please note, I did a lot of asking around to narrow this down to 32 duos. I'm 100% sure many of you will have other duo's you wish made the competition, but we did have to keep it to 32. I hope this will be sufficient.


PRIZE FOR WINNER: $100.00 USD Delivered via PayPal! Go get yerself some crystals! (In the event of a tie winnings will be divided evenly)


I assumed it would be obvious that RJT+BB8 would be paired together, but apologize for the confusion. The Challonge website won't let me edit the brackets to clarify, so I hope its clear now.

A few things to note about the competition when filling out your bracket:

Mods are left on all toons. Speed stats are in parentheses next to each toon name. This will simply be a total speed stat. For example: Traya (274) & Sion (250). I understand the speed stats are not going to be 100% even. I'm okay with this because a) it would be a crazy amount of effort to even it all out and b) in a real tournament, not everyone is on equal footing. It's part of it!
Every toon is maxed out (full zetas etc)
The seeding was voted on by my group of top 15 pollsters (50 of them). I finalized who the 32 duo's were, and then had them all order them from best to worst. The average of all votes = seeding for the competition.

The tournament will take place on a live stream Saturday, May 19th at 10:00 am EST
NO DOUBLE ENTRIES. Anyone who submits more than one entry will not be considered.
In the event of a tie with the characters (time out) the team with the most health left wins.