CubsFan Han

Published on 2018-04-02 23:24:36
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Here's the REAL Bag of Questions video!! Thanks to all who tolerated my jokes yesterday but in this video I promise no rickrolling and the adds will be skipable. Enjoy!

1:28 If you could fully max out a single character that is already in your inventory, who would it be?
2:18 what do you think is the most important thing to buy in the guild event store?
3:53 Outside of sqaud arena, what do you feel is the most IMPORTANT gamemode?
5:05 Who’s your favorite in game character?
6:18 Clearly you've got an appreciation for Tattoos -- do you have any? If not -- would you like to get one and of what?
6:55 Are Critical Avoidance mods worth keeping/using? Or just get rid of them right away?
8:21 If you could restart the game and get any character to 7* for free (Including Legendaries and Hero's Journeys), who would it be?
8:53 Is their a specific order for any mass assists or is it just random who hits first and who hits last in the assist?
10:08 Jyn Erso was my 1st zeta (lead) and gear 12 character. Would you say that was a waste?
11:04 Do you think a zeta on Grandmaster Yoda' s leadership would be helpful against the new Sith teams? Would you even recommend this zeta?