Going Nerdy

Published on 2017-02-28 17:41:56
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If you don't know how to use Chirpatine, here's the guide you've been looking for.

The first thing you need to do is have Han use his Draw Fire ability. As this happens, make sure to have everyone but Palpatine attack the B2 Rocket droid. Palpatine should use his basic attack on each one of the B1 battle droids. The idea is to shock the battle droids, stunning them. Palpatine gains 15% turn meter for each shocked enemy. If Palpatine attacks but doesn’t shock the droids, retreat and try again. Palpatine will need to stun each B1 droid for this to work effectively. Do not use his other two abilities yet.

Once all the droids are stunned, Palpatine will be free to attack the Rocket droid. Continue to use his basic attack against the B2. With the other droids stunned, each time he attacks, Palpatine will have 100% turn meter, allowing him to keep attacking. His damage will range between 6628 and 7324 for non-crit damage and upwards of 12,000 for critical hits.

During this time, the B2 Rocket droid will still be attacking, but he will only attack STH. Once STH gets to below 50% health, Royal guard will taunt, pulling B2’s fire. It may happen that STH’s taunt wears off before it triggers the RG’s taunt. If that is the case, it is likely that he will attack Palpatine. Don’t freak out as you watch his health drop. RG will eventually taunt.

For a full description of how this event works, check out the following link: http://www.goingnerdy.com/?p=933&preview=true