Gridan WWL

Published on 2020-01-04 05:47:42
About :
Get that full auto on tank while you're at work without even looking...

Cool thing about this team? Apart from 100% full auto? Theres not even any zetas required. Its more of a "gear required" rather than zetas required. I believe g12 would be possible with guidance and g13 should get you the full auto no guidance. I have the zetas because I run the 501st in arena but seriously... I can confidently say the zetas are more on the level of "nice to have" rather than "required"!

The closest to "required" would be shaaks unique, to regenerate health and protection. But thats about it.

Shaak lead, double zeta 310 speed, modded for speed
Rex, zeta, 313 speed, modded for speed
Fives, double zeta, 255 speed, modded for offense
Echo, zeta, 260 speed, modded for crit chance crit damage
C3P0, Oh My Goodness Zeta, 300 speed, modded for speed and potency