Xaereth Prevails

Published on 2019-04-01 08:16:08
About :
I apparently lost a three-attack video clip somewhere. Frustrating. I've added the teams and results below in the list so you can at least see the counter I used to beat the team in question. Timestamps for all matches below.

Matches (MY TEAM vs. THEIR TEAM):

1:54 KRU/Kylo/FOX vs. Bossk/Dengar/Aurra
4:01 RJT/R2/BB-8 vs. KRU/Kylo/FOX
6:05 Wiggs/STH vs. Wiggs/STH
7:04 Qi'ra/Nest/L3 vs. Bastila/JKA/Hoda
12:26 Lando/YOLO/Vandor vs. Bastila/Hoda
17:36 Thrawn/Krennic/DT vs. Bastila/Hoda
20:26 Embo/Dengar/Cad vs. Hera/Kanan/Zeb
22:27 Nihilus/Traya/Sion vs. GK/Barriss/Ezra
25:05 DRevan/Badstila/HK vs. JKR/GMY/Jolee
26:15 CLS/OTC/Han vs. Traya/Nihilus/Sion
(not shown) Bossk/Boba/Jango vs. Qi'ra/Vandor/L3 (win)
(not shown) Veers/Starck/Range vs. Chirpa/Wicket/Paploo (win)
(not shown) Ackbar/3PO/Leia vs. Jyn/Chaze (loss)
27:49 Hera/Sabine/Probe vs. Jyn/Chaze
29:31 Greedo/IG-88/Shore vs. Chaze