Xaereth Prevails

Published on 2019-02-25 08:31:22
About :
This one included a super-charged Mace and buffed Clones, among other minor things. I have an unhealthy amount of disdain available for these "modified" TWs.

Here are my matches (my team vs. opponent team):

zCarth DOT team vs. zBastila + buffed Mace
Really weak Clones cleanup vs. Buffed Mace
zBossk BH vs. zBastila + buffed Mace
Rogue One cleanup vs. Buffed Mace
Imperial Troopers vs. zAsajj Lead NS + Spirit
RJT vs. zBastila + buffed Mace
KRU FO vs. zBossk BH
Ewoks vs. RJT (epic fail - Elder targeted immediately)
Ships cleanup vs. Mace fleet
Ships cleanup vs. Ackbar + MF