
Published on 2019-05-29 03:29:10
About :
Hey Everybody!

Herein lies the formerly undefeated grand arena champion of the errrr 50 something or so folks I’ve had the pleasure of fighting.

As will be immediately apparent, I failed to scout my opponent’s fleet roster and did not notice he had MF. I set my MF on defense which I would never have done, had I realized sooner he had one plus a bug counter fleet. As a result of that error and a crucial hiccup in my CLS fight, I lost by 3 banners.

The former hashtag of stillundefeated must forever be retired. Now, we must set out with a vengeance to never repeat such careless mistakes again. Replacement candidates are below:

Hope you enjoy the video folks! Thank you for your continued support!

Need mod help? Could use some PvP counseling? Just looking for a good bunch of girls and guys to chat swgoh with?Come swing by my server or message me directly on discord at:


Mikayas’ Modding Mayhem