Thunder Wack

Published on 2018-10-08 18:17:14
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Top 10 Zetas and a few honorable mention for October 2018!


Here are the Top 10 Zeta's, plus a few honorable mentions, October of 2018!
(In no particular order)
1. JTR Leadership-inspirational presence
2. CLS unique-It binds all Things
3. Raid Han Unique-Shoots First
4. Darth Sion unique-Held by Hatred
5. R2-D2 Both unique-Number Crunch and R2-D2 unique-Combat Analysis
6. Darth Traya Both Leadership-Compassion is weakness and Unique-Lord of Betrayal
7. BB-8 unique-Rolling with the Punches
8. Bastilla Leadership-Initiative
9. Chewbacca Unique-Loyal Friend
10. Grand Master Yoda Unique-Battle Meditation

Honorable Mention:
Finn leadership-Balanced Tactics-Resistance
Veers Unique-Aggressive tactician-Imperial troopers
Assaj Ventress Both-Rampage and Nightsister Swiftness-Nightsister
Emperor Palpatine Leadership-Emperor of the Galactic Empire
Bossk Leadership-On the Hunt
Enfys Nest Unique-Fighting Instinct